Hawaii Solar Panels and Home Battery Storage Leader
Hawaii Solar
The state of Hawaii has made a goal to power 100% of the state with renewable energy. This goal has been primarily driven by residential solar and the objective to reduce the state's reliance on dirty fuels that are imported from other states. Hawaii currently gets over 33 percent of its electricity from rooftop solar, and it makes a tremendous amount of sense for homeowners to add solar panels and batteries to their home. As a result of having some of the highest electricity rates in the nation and pro-solar policies supported by the people of Hawaii and the state government, Hawaii continues to be a leader when it comes to residential renewable solar and energy storage. If you are a Hawaii resident interested in learning more about solar energy and battery storage, this is the guide for you.
100% at
By 2045, Hawaii aims to have 100 percent of its energy come from renewable energy
Solar allows homeowners in Hawaii to address the fact electricity prices are more than double the U.S. average.
Solar Home Batteries give you access to grid service programs that include monthly utility savings, backup power, and a $200 gift card.
Learn More about Solar regions of Hawaii
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Big Island